Thursday, January 24, 2008

PRP - 1st Artifact

Say a person with protanopia colour blindness viewed a red object. The shade of the object would appear different to them than to us. However they still associate the shade they see with as ‘red’. Everytime they see that shade, its red to them.

There are general rules in web design about the colour combinations not to display. Many people are colour blind and would not be able to see red or green text on a brown background. However, what if these colour combinations were desired by a designer, to fit in with a brand for instance?

For my first artifact, I have designed a page so that people with normal vision and people suffering from Protanopia, Deutanopia, and Tritanopia colour blindness can all view the same page and still read the text.

The page works using links for each specific colour blindness. When clicked the background and text colours of the problem section are changed to give the best contrast for the user’s vision.

Colour options for websites exist, but with multiple filters on a website, or even browsers - changing the colours to provide better contrast - would enable a better user-experience and company-user interaction for the majority of people suffering from colour blindness using the web.

Sreenshots displayed below:

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